What is Pansexual?

Pansexual Visibility Day

bisexual pansexual

Being a pansexual means that my attraction to people has no correlation with gender. The way in which I am attracted to others is different from the way in which the concept of gender relates. People who are gay or bisexual can feel isolated and that can affect their mental wellbeing. Today is Pansexual Visibility Day. But pansexuality has been misunderstood for many years.

What does it mean to be pansexual?

“Pan” is a Greek word meaning “all.” It is sexual or romantic attraction towards people regardless of their sex or gender identity. It is sometimes specifically used to be inclusive of the attraction to individuals across the gender range. Like everyone else, pansexuals may be attracted to some people and not others. People of all gender identities can and do identify as pansexual.

How does pansexuality differ from bisexuality?

bisexual pansexual

Bisexuality is being attracted to two or more genders. People who are bisexual may be attracted to only one gender sexually and have no desire to be in a relationship with them. Many people choose “pansexual” because they feel exclusionary. If you’re attracted to all genders, you can identify as bisexual, pansexual or both. Both labels are valid.

Bisexual describes “a person who has the potential to be physically, romantically, and/or emotionally attracted to people of more than one gender” Pansexuality is one of many sexual orientations under the bi+ umbrella, according to GLAAD.

Pansexuality and bisexuality are similar but not exactly the same. Pansexuality is broader than bisexuality and people who identify as pansexual may be attracted to people of all genders if they identify. Bisexuality at its core is the attraction to some people of two or more genders while pansexuals are attracted to a person regardless of gender.

Pansexual people are confused

Like bisexuality, pansexuality is often erased and labelled as ‘sitting on the fence’ or a ‘stepping-stone to being gay’ This misconception is commonly presented in a gendered way, with women labelled straight but experimenting and men assumed to be gay, but too scared to fully come out.

Other Names for Pansexual

Some people feel the term pansexuality implies that their attraction to people has nothing to do with gender. People who prefer the term omnisexual can be attracted to people of any gender for example.

How to identify

gender identities

It can be difficult to identify your sexual orientation or gender identity. It’s sometimes confusing for young people who may not be aware of concepts such as the spectrum. Getting to know different gender identities and sexual orientations will help.

How Pansexuality Works in Relationships

Pansexuals are attracted to people regardless of their gender. These relationships may be straight-passing or non-heterosexual. Pansexual people are pansexual regardless of their partner’s gender. It’s important to respect their boundaries.

Helping Your Loved Ones Understand Pansexuality

The phrase “Hearts, not parts” is used by some pansexual activists. If you’re talking to your loved ones about pansexuality because you have a new partner, you should talk to your partner first.

What if none of the terms feel right?

Many people find that the terms help them to identify and belong. But there’s no need to fit in with any term at all. We all have the right to choose our own definition.

History of the term

It is sometimes called pansexuality or omnisexuality. The Ancient Greek (pan) means “all, every”. A term for sexual identity or orientation emerged in the 1990s. It is intended that the colors represent a spectrum of attraction and gender. The colors are pink for women, yellow for men, and cyan for non-binary people. Variations on the pansexual are beginning to appear in surveys.


A survey of 2,000 US adults commissioned by GLAAD found that two percent of them identify as pansexual. A survey of 12,000 young people who are gay or lesbian found that 14 percent of them declared themselves pansexual. 25% of American people identify as bisexual, according to the National Center for Transgender Equality.


Pansexuals don’t mean they are incapable of committing relationships, are more likely to cheat, or are constantly pursuing others. Nobody else is responsible for how adults decide to build relationships.

What are some misconceptions about pansexuality and bisexuality?

Half of the people who are gay in the United States identify as bisexual. Many bisexual and pansexual people still face discrimination and disparities.

Umbrella term

An umbrella term used to describe a variety of sexual identities and communities that express attraction to multiple genders. It often grouping together those who identify as bisexual, pansexual, queer, and fluid. The term faces issues of balancing inclusion and cohesiveness. Sexual fluidity is a concept that describes how a person’s sexual identity can change at any time. This is distinct from polyamory which means multiple intimate relationships at the same time.

Pansexual & Panromantic Days

There are two main awareness periods for pansexual and panromantic people. The Pansexual Pride Day is celebrated on December 8th and is one of the annual Pansexual Awareness Day.

What does the pansexual flag look like?

The pink stripes in the pansexual flag refer to those attracted to women. The blue is a reference to those who are attracted to men. Yellow means nonbinary attraction.


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