What is ALS?

How is ALS diagnosed?

For this to be confirmed you will need several tests. You can measure the electrical activity of your muscles and nerves using an electromyogram. Magnetic resonance imaging can be used to look at your brain and spinal column. Other tests can help rule out diseases which may cause the same symptoms as others. A test for brain and spine problems uses substances in the fluid of your spine. A tissue sample is taken from your brain or nerves for examination. Your healthcare provider will ask you about your medical history during the physical exam if necessary.


Muscular weakness or atrophy is the earliest sign of disease. Symptoms include difficulty breathing or swallowing, and dizziness and muscle weakness in the arm or leg. Motor neurons in the body are first damaged when the symptoms of ALS begin. The first signs of limb weakness are in the arms or legs. If the legs are affected first, people may experience awkwardness, tripping, or stumbling, and this is marked by walking with a dropped foot that drags lightly on the ground. If the arms are affected first, they may experience difficulty with tasks that require manual dexterity, such as buttoning a shirt, writing, or turning a key in a lock. People have difficulty understanding words or forming them. Most people with the disease have a symptom of pain caused by decreased mobility. Under the skin there are several symptoms of neuronal disease. The symptoms can be different for everyone.

What exercises can help people with ALS?

Getting active can help you lose weight and improve your health. Aerobic exercise increases your heart rate and your breathing speed. They help to make your muscles work more. Stretching can help reduce muscle pain and discomfort. They should be done every day. Avoid strengthening exercises such as exercise with a heavy object. They won’t strengthen your muscles and could make you weak. Exercise in moderation. If you’re tired, your muscles may weaken.

Can ALS be prevented?

There’s no proven way to prevent the disease from happening. If you have the disease you can take part in clinical trials. Doing so can help us understand the disease more fully. Researchers can learn about the causes and risk factors. Information such as this could lead to better treatment.

End of life care

als: anxiety

A person’s difficulty with speech may be due to muscle weakness and cognitive impairment. There may be an unexpected emergency situation if the person with the disease is not solicited for his preferences. At the end of life, opioids and benzodiazepines can be used to treat pain and anxiety. It is not clear when the end stage of life begins, but it is associated with difficulties in moving, communicating, and thinking. Hospice care is important in the management of symptoms and the chance of a peaceful death. It is important to provide care at the end of life. If people with the disease are reluctant to discuss end of life issues, it may be useful to use a procedure called a gastrostomy. It allows the patient to have a tube in his or her stomach.

Late stage disease management

Individuals affected may lose the ability to initiate and control voluntary movement. Urinary and fecal incontinence is uncommon, because the bladder and bowel function is spared. Eating is difficult because of the difficulty with swallowing and chewing and can lead to a risk of food getting into the lungs. Many people with advanced disease report satisfactory health and quality of life. Sometimes this can happen before the limb weakness is obvious. A healthy weight can become a problem in later stages of apprehension and the need for a feeding tube can be a major problem. Eye tracking technology is often feasible albeit slow and needs may change over time to support augmentation of communications.

What are communication tips for people with ALS?

If your friend or loved one is having trouble speaking, you can ask questions that require a yes or no answer. They can be asked to repeat what they said, speak slower or spell out words that they don’t understand. Talk to them in person. Look at them. You should repeat a part of the phrase. They have to repeat that what they know.

What is ALS?

It is a disease that affects the function of the nerves and the muscles in the body. The disease can affect anyone of any race or ethnic group although it can occur at a younger age. There is no known cure for the disease but for those with symptoms there is a treatment option. It is characterized by the loss of nerve cells and there is no cure for this disease. It affects a small number of people and it is not known if it can be transmitted to others.

Who gets ALS?

One to two people are diagnosed with the disease every year. White people and non-Hispanic Americans are more likely to have the disease. Military veterans may be at greater risk. Symptoms usually develop between 55 and 70. The risk is the same as aging. It’s not clear what causes the disease for men. They may have been exposed during their service to lead and other toxic materials.

Will I need breathing support?

As the disease progresses you may find it hard to breathe. A non-invasive ventilation may be beneficial for you. You can get NIV by wearing a mask. It helps inflate your lungs and deflate them. You will discuss this option with your care team and loved ones when you make a decision.


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