Technologies emerging

As of February 2019, it was reported that AI was the most prolific emerging technology in terms of number of patent applications and patents granted. The internet of things was estimated to be the largest market in terms of size. It was followed by big data technologies, robotics, artificial intelligence, 3D printing and the 5th generation of mobile services. The patent protects the technological know how used to create those inventions. Companies represent 26 out of the 30 top applicants for patents, with universities or public research organisations accounting for the rest.

Proposals funded by the DARP have provided significant technologies that have influenced many non-military fields such as the internet and the global positioning system. While some of these awards reward achievement after the fact via analysis of the merits of technological breakthroughs, some provide incentives for competitions for awards offered for goals yet to be achieved. There are awards that provide incentives to push the limits of technology generally associated with emerging technologies.

Artificial intelligence

As robotics and artificial intelligence develop, even more jobs may be at risk. This may result in substantial unemployment at all skill levels, stagnant or falling wages for most workers, and an increased concentration of income and wealth as capital owners capture an ever larger fraction of the economy.

“This is the year of the artificial intelligence artists,” says Kucharskis. It could also be the last year as the field of virtual reality is maturing.

Artificial intelligence is the sub-intelligence of machines or software. John Mccarthy who coined the term in 1956 defines it as the study of the making of smart machines. Some of the central functions or goals of AI research include reasoning, planning, natural language processing and the ability to move and manipulate objects. General intelligence or a strong AI is still one of the field’s long term goals.

In vitro food

It is expected that the cost of in vitro meat could be reduced as technology improves to compete with that of conventionally obtained meat. It is hoped that in vitro food will be available to the public by the end of the next decade or more.

The first in vitro beef burger created by a Dutch team was eaten in August 2013 at a press demonstration in London. Some argue it is less objectionable than traditional meat because it does not involve killing and reduces the risk of animal cruelty.

Stem-cell therapy

As stem cells self-renew and give rise to subsequent generations with variable degrees of differentiation capacity, it offers significant potential for the generation of tissue that can potentially replace diseased and damaged areas in the body. The CAR-T cells are not exempt from limitations that must be overcome in order to provide reliable and more efficient treatments against other types of cancer despite the promising outcomes of this innovative technology.

Stem cell therapy is an intervention strategy that introduces adult stem cells into damaged tissue to treat disease or injury. Medical researchers believe that stem cell therapy has the potential to change the face of human disease and alleviate suffering.


social humanoid robot in technologies

Sophia is a social humanoid robot developed by Hong Kong-based Hanson robots which was activated on 19 April 2015. Numerous modern robots are inspired by nature, contributing to the field of bio-inspired robotics.

3D print lungs

3d printing lungs for technologies

Every day, an average of 17 people die waiting for an organ transplant in the United States alone. Scientists are genetically engineering pigs whose organs could be transplanted into human beings using the patient’s own cells to 3D print lungs.

Commercial air conditioners

Climate Technologies provides a variety of products, including compressors and air conditioning systems, and other related products. It pumps heat into the home to heat it in the colder months or releases hot air into the outside to cool it in the warmer seasons.

Increased demand for cooling as temperatures rise and we experience more severe heat events with a changing climate. It is causing air conditioning units to run harder and longer which increases demand for replacement. People moving to warmer areas like the south and west of the United States will also contribute to increased usage. The vast majority of its profits are from replacing existing units when they break down with more energy efficient products. Reducing climate impact and improving energy efficiency are priorities for policymakers. It is implementing regulations mandating improved energy standards for commercial air conditioners and heat pumps by 2023.


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