Tag: mental health

  • How to Stop Being a People-Pleaser?

    What Is a People-Pleaser? A person who puts others needs ahead of their own is a people-pleaser. This type of person is well-liked by others and often seen as kind and helpful. People-pleasers can have trouble advocating for themselves. Why am I this way? People-pleasing is a behavior that is learned in childhood. Wanting to…

  • Spirituality

    In spirituality, it is about seeking a meaningful connection with something larger than yourself. There is a connection between the two emotional and spiritual well-beings and all aspects of well being. To recognize and integrate a connection to something larger than you can yourself can broaden your outlook. It can result in positive emotions such…

  • Ways to Lose weight and Live a Healthier Life

    It is hard to change long term habits during the first few weeks. Every week, it becomes easier to develop new habits. It may come naturally. Do not fall for one of these magical diet scams as tempting as they may seem. If you lost weight and then return to living the way you did…