
  • Climate Change

    Climate change affects the social and environmental factors of health, clean air, safe drinking water, sufficient food and secure shelter. Between 2020 and 2050, climate change is expected to cause 25000 deaths per year from malaria and heat stress. It will be the most difficult to deal with a weak health infrastructure in developing countries.…

  • How to Control High Blood Pressure

    Health experts define healthy blood pressure as less than 120 mm hg. Anyone whose blood pressure is between 130 and 139 mm ft or higher should consult a doctor immediately. It can also indicate an underlying health problem such as hyperthyroidism or renal disease. What are the treatments for high blood pressure? Treatments for high…

  • Spirituality

    In spirituality, it is about seeking a meaningful connection with something larger than yourself. There is a connection between the two emotional and spiritual well-beings and all aspects of well being. To recognize and integrate a connection to something larger than you can yourself can broaden your outlook. It can result in positive emotions such…

  • Parenting advice – How to Be a Safe Haven For Your Child

    Good parenting advice often seeks to make decisions in the best interest of the child. Successful parents are not about perfection. We serve them as important role models. Give Effective Instructions You train your child to ignore you if you tell them the same thing repeatedly. Give instructions that are effective. Best Advice A good…

  • The universe

    How old is the universe? The universe is thought to be about 13 billion years old. By measuring the ages of the oldest stars and the rate at which the universe expands, scientists arrived at that number. They also measured the expansion by observing the doppler shift in light from almost all the galaxies which…

  • How to Create a Healthy and Happy Relationship

    Relationship aren’t 50/50’they’re 100/100 Relationships aren’t all about trying to get 50-50. Give everything you have and expect the same in return for a long-lasting relationship. Of course, conflicts will arise and they will even arise even more so the longer you’re together. You should be in the relationship for a year. Chemistry and Compatibility…

  • The Future of Artificial Intelligence

    What Is Artificial Intelligence? Using artificial intelligence machines can model or even improve the abilities of the human mind. From the development of self-driving cars to the proliferation of smart assistants like Siri and Alexa, it is becoming an increasing part of everyday life. In particular, advancements in deep learning and machine learning are creating…

  • Depression – What are the signs and symptoms?

    Depression can go on for months or even years if not treated properly. We don’t have a proven way to recover from depression. The right treatment and the right doctor are important. Alternative treatments Do not use dietary supplements or natural products without talking to a health care professional. These and other natural products must…

  • Best Ways to Save Money

    Food Savings Tips Plan meals and stick to a schedule while shopping. Next time you make a family favorite, double the recipe and freeze for another day. The savings could easily be worth hundreds of dollars per year. It’s standard in the restaurant industry to mark up the cost of alcohol by three to five.…

  • Ways to Lose weight and Live a Healthier Life

    It is hard to change long term habits during the first few weeks. Every week, it becomes easier to develop new habits. It may come naturally. Do not fall for one of these magical diet scams as tempting as they may seem. If you lost weight and then return to living the way you did…