How to Stop Yourself from Crying


Crying can release emotion. Tears may feel like an inconvenience depending on the time and place. Many strategies can be used to calm your nervous system and regulate your emotions.

Excuse yourself

As soon as you feel a lump in your throat or your eyes start to well up try to walk away and move to another room.

Get more sleep

It is believed that sleep deprivation can make it more difficult to regulate emotions. Try to get at least 8 hours per night if possible.

Take up journaling

According to a study in 2018 journaling could help combat emotional distress. You may find it useful to set a timer and perform a stream of consciousness.

Focus on something else


It’s helpful to look away from the source of the crying. Is it possible for someone to talk to you and you feel overwhelmed with emotion?

Try a mantra

At times you may want to try repeating a positive affirmation in your head during tense moments. For example, “I am in control of my emotions, but this feels stress, but it will be over soon.”

Next steps


If the tears fall, own them. Say, “I’m having a very human moment.” Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and carry on.

Ground yourself

Hold a warm beverage between your hands and suck on an ice cube. Press your nails into your skin.

Reach out to a professional

Is it helpful to talk to a mental health professional if you frequently cry for no reason? Various conditions can affect your ability to regulate your emotions.

Do a breathing exercise

When you cry, it’s one of the ways your body releases energy. Take 8 to 10 deep belly breaths to target this fight. So your parasympathetic nervous system will be engaged.


Giving hands something to do may help control the urge to cry. It is possible to be subtle and effective by fidgeting with a small object.

Keep a neutral face

If you’re feeling self-conscious about the tears: tilt your chin up, open your eyes wide and avoid blinking for a moment.

Change your circumstances

It’s time to draw some firm boundaries if you’re crying around a family member. How about crying at work? It could be a sign to move on to another opportunity.






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