Category: Science

  • Beyond the Ice Walls

    Antarctic ice walls protect the climate The Inland Antarctic ice contains a lot of water. A new study shows that glacier ice walls are important for the climate as they prevent rising ocean temperatures and melting glacier ice. The ice shelves are already thinning due to global air and ocean heating. More oceanic heat comes…

  • Radiation

    It is the emission or transmission of energy in the form of particles or ions through space or a material medium. This includes electromagnetic radiation such as microwaves, infrared light, and ultraviolet rays and gamma radiation. Radioactive radiation breaks chemical bonds and ionizes atoms. Radiation can be caused by sound seismic waves and ultrasound depending…

  • The universe

    How old is the universe? The universe is thought to be about 13 billion years old. By measuring the ages of the oldest stars and the rate at which the universe expands, scientists arrived at that number. They also measured the expansion by observing the doppler shift in light from almost all the galaxies which…