Category: Mental Health

  • How to Stop Being a People-Pleaser?

    What Is a People-Pleaser? A person who puts others needs ahead of their own is a people-pleaser. This type of person is well-liked by others and often seen as kind and helpful. People-pleasers can have trouble advocating for themselves. Why am I this way? People-pleasing is a behavior that is learned in childhood. Wanting to…

  • How to Stop Yourself from Crying

    Crying can release emotion. Tears may feel like an inconvenience depending on the time and place. Many strategies can be used to calm your nervous system and regulate your emotions. Excuse yourself As soon as you feel a lump in your throat or your eyes start to well up try to walk away and move…

  • Signs Of A Spoilt Child

    If your child tries to manipulate you, does not share, throws a temper, and is disrespectful, you are risking raising a spoilt child. Spoilt Child: Brat List some signs to watch out for. If your child does not share and does not follow rules, he is a spoilt brat. It brings to mind the image…

  • What is ALS?

    How is ALS diagnosed? For this to be confirmed you will need several tests. You can measure the electrical activity of your muscles and nerves using an electromyogram. Magnetic resonance imaging can be used to look at your brain and spinal column. Other tests can help rule out diseases which may cause the same symptoms…

  • How West Virginia’s grunting Whittakers got started

    There are many genes in humans that increase the risk of being diagnosed with the disease. Before this study, only 65 genes were found to be related to the condition. There were 30 genes discovered that had never been linked to a disease. Many people play a role in the brain. Once they have discovered…

  • Depression – What are the signs and symptoms?

    Depression can go on for months or even years if not treated properly. We don’t have a proven way to recover from depression. The right treatment and the right doctor are important. Alternative treatments Do not use dietary supplements or natural products without talking to a health care professional. These and other natural products must…