Category: How to

  • How to stop Muscle spasms?

    Heat Many coaches and physical therapists recommend using magnesium in the form of epsom salts on the outside of your body. Try applying this old-school remedy to a wet cloth and pressing it onto a muscle spasms. Add some to the hot bath for a soak. Exercise in the heat but not in intense heat.…

  • How to Treat Minor Cuts and Grazes

    Treating minor cuts and grazes It is possible to control minor cuts and grazes by applying pressure on the cut. The injured body part should be raised above the heart. If you don’t have a sterile dressing, use a hand, tea towel or T-shirt. Whoever is treating the wound should wash their hands and wear…

  • How to Use the Yellow Rock Method on a Narcissist

    Understanding the Yellow Rock Method The Yellow Rock Method is a method for communicating with people who are high up in the hierarchy. This approach involves staying calm and composed, like a solid yellow rock in the face of turbulent waters. The Yellow Rock Method involves assessing the importance of an issue, considering potential outcomes,…

  • How to answer behavioral-based questions with the STAR Method

    STAR Method During an interview you’ll likely face behavioral questions. The best way to answer behavioral-based questions is to use the STAR method. What did you do to get to the goal? B: How did your actions contribute to the end product? What do you learn from your actions? Do you like the company you…

  • Can You Prevent a Newborn From Sleeping on Their Side?

    Is it safe? The safest place to sleep is on the back. Some people mistakenly believe side sleep is safer for babies who vomit or have reflux. Research provides no specific guidance on when babies can safely transition to the side. The last couple months of a baby’s life are when their muscles begin to…

  • PARA method

    Breaking Down the PARA System The acronym PARA is for Projects, Areas of Responsibility, Resources, and Archives. You put each piece of digital information into one of these categories according to this system. You use the four-category filing system on all digital platforms. Archives are from the other three categories. When you’ve finished a project,…

  • How to Stop Being a People-Pleaser?

    What Is a People-Pleaser? A person who puts others needs ahead of their own is a people-pleaser. This type of person is well-liked by others and often seen as kind and helpful. People-pleasers can have trouble advocating for themselves. Why am I this way? People-pleasing is a behavior that is learned in childhood. Wanting to…

  • Is sinus surgery worth it?

    Preventing sinusitis You should wash your nasal passages every day. During the day, use saline nasal spray to moisten nasal passages. You should sleep with your head elevated. Mucus pools in your sinuses at night when your head is down so prop your head up with pillows or a wedge while you sleep. Do not…