Category: Health

  • Ethanol Fireplaces

    Also known as an ethanol fireplace, this is a fireplace that uses ethanol as its fuel source. Ethanol fireplaces are still relatively new, which is why there are so many questions. It’s like a traditional fireplace where the combustion of a fuel source generates heat, but using ethanol as a fuel has many more advantages.…

  • What is ALS?

    How is ALS diagnosed? For this to be confirmed you will need several tests. You can measure the electrical activity of your muscles and nerves using an electromyogram. Magnetic resonance imaging can be used to look at your brain and spinal column. Other tests can help rule out diseases which may cause the same symptoms…

  • Pancreatic Cancer Symptoms

    What is pancreatic cancer? It occurs when cells in the pancreas change and grow out of control. Because it’s resistant to many drugs, it’s difficult to treat. New methods of detection are being researched through genetic testing. The common bile duct and the main pancreatic duct are connected. In your abdomen the pancreas is a…

  • Drinking Water

    The world has more than a billion people without access to water. The world’s two billion people are affected by water scarcity every year. Poor water quality can lead to diseases such as cholera and typhoid fever and can also cause economic decline. By 2025, two thirds of the world’s population could face water shortages.…

  • Exercise

    Aerobic exercise Exercises in flexibility and strength can lengthen muscles. Dynamic exercise such as running tends to reduce the diastolic pressure in the blood. It aims at improving mobility which can reduce injury. Exercise is intended to increase cardiovascular endurance and improve bone density and balance. It can improve coordination. A static exercise such as…

  • How to Control High Blood Pressure

    Health experts define healthy blood pressure as less than 120 mm hg. Anyone whose blood pressure is between 130 and 139 mm ft or higher should consult a doctor immediately. It can also indicate an underlying health problem such as hyperthyroidism or renal disease. What are the treatments for high blood pressure? Treatments for high…

  • Ways to Lose weight and Live a Healthier Life

    It is hard to change long term habits during the first few weeks. Every week, it becomes easier to develop new habits. It may come naturally. Do not fall for one of these magical diet scams as tempting as they may seem. If you lost weight and then return to living the way you did…