Can You Prevent a Newborn From Sleeping on Their Side?

Is it safe?

babies sleeping on their side

The safest place to sleep is on the back. Some people mistakenly believe side sleep is safer for babies who vomit or have reflux. Research provides no specific guidance on when babies can safely transition to the side.

The last couple months of a baby’s life are when their muscles begin to strengthen. Flexion is a sign of a healthy baby and is an occurrence in newborns. When babies are born premature, we don’t see this tight, flexed position. It is the first step for many babies to get longer nights of sleep. If your baby is rolling, they need to be out of the swaddle.

Risks by age in months

babies sleeping on their side

There is a risk that if a baby is put to sleep on their side they will fall on their stomach. When a baby is too young to support his head this may mean that his face is stuck against the mattress ”. Babies can fully support and lift their heads by the age of 4 months. Many can roll from their back to their stomach in a few months.

Flat Head


Plagiocephaly can occur when the baby sleeps on their back and only sleeps in one position. This happens because newborns in their first few months of life have softer skulls and weaker neck muscles. Your newborn may have a flat head no matter whether it’s on their side or back. Don’t encourage your baby to sleep on the side. It resolves on its own and the complications and risks associated with newborn babies sleeping on their sides can be much more severe.

Can You Prevent a Newborn From Sleeping on Their Side?

babies sleeping on their side

The bassinet, crib, and playpen should have a firm mattress. Avoid soft mattress options that allow the baby to sink into them. If something is wrong, you should get a video baby monitor. Positioners or extra pillows can cause babies to suffocate. The crib should have a firm mattress and tightly fitted sheets.

Side sleeping and torticollis risk

Up to 3 months later, torticollis can develop. When this happens after birth it can be because your baby is sleeping on their side. If you notice any of the symptoms, talk to your baby’s doctor.

Can Babies Sleep on Their Side and Be Safe?

Sleeping on your side can make it easier for the baby to roll on your stomach. Side sleeping is not necessarily safe if the baby is younger than four months. Babies are too small and weak to lift their heads at this age. So when your baby sleeps on their side under your supervision gently nudge them back on their back. When a baby sleeps on his side he is at risk of harmless problems. But they are also at risk of rolling on their stomach which may induce the risk of more severe problems.

When can babies sleep on their stomach?

Most pediatricians will say that babies can safely sleep on their tummy if they can roll from back to stomach purposefully and consistently. Remember that we will always put a baby on their back for a nap. Please talk to your pediatrician if you have any questions about when it is safe for your baby to sleep on their stomach.

Harlequin color change

In healthy newborns about 10 percent of the harlequin color changes when they sleep on their sides. Half of the baby’s face and body becomes pink or red due to this harmless condition. The color change is temporary and disappears within less than 2 minutes.

Offer a pacifier

When you put your baby down for a nap or sleep, give him a binky. It’s harder for babies to keep pacifiers in their mouths if they roll onto their tummy, so having something to suck on can be comforting.

To Recap

The baby can sleep on their side after they are four to six months old and roll over onto their backs on their own. Back sleeping is ideal for infants as this position is the best way to prevent sudden infant death syndrome.


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